Tuesday, August 16, 2011

London Riots Vs. Wallstreet and greedy Politicians

What really happened in London? Well it did not stem from nowhere, No. The anger that manifest itself was planted along time ago in the system of society where there is haves and have-nots. Large amounts of money are spent keeping few people happy safe and comfortable and perpetuating a system that, though it is completely toxic and destructive, makes these people rest easy knowing they wont actually have to sweat for their meal, or car or private jet, penthouse, second house, etc.

The other, more populous side of the coin is the ignored masses living paycheck to paycheck, getting treated like second class citizens- ignored- and watching these corporate crooks get wealthy printing money for themselves while congruently making those holding the little money they have worth less and less. The ol' rich getting richer, poor getting poorer equation.

The mainstream media holds the public hand and directs their focus on the "hooded youth" who steal ipods and jeans and a couple bottles of wine without contextualizing the broader picture of neglect and worsening living conditions for the majority citizen. And the dept heavy public who sit defenseless and scared in their overly mortgaged houses are not satisfied with the judgement handed down to these 12 and 23 year old kids. The 6 months in jail is not good enough for them for a young girl who took some ipods while the real criminals - also caught red handed and often working in public view- print dollars and pay themselves millions in bonuses and incentives.

I believe The London riots, if anything, are the manifestation of the Kubler-Ross model for grief or death. The riots being the second stage of the process and a prophetic vision for future Canada/America/Developed Countries that will also soon rise to anger as public awareness spreads of the damage inflation can do to a currency and the people who use it.

This was the last paragraph of a CN_ news article on the riots:
"The violence first broke out August 6 after protests over the death of Mark Duggan in the north London neighborhood of Tottenham. He was shot after a police unit that deals with gun crime stopped a cab carrying the 29-year-old father of four.

The people had a right to be mad, they demonstrated their anger and some trifles were lost. If corporate owned Media would choose to focus on the real reasons and problems for the riots; The growing disparity between rich and poor, the violent and perverted abuse of those with power and the lack of a real believable promising future for anyone or anything then, and only then, might we be able to advance.

People need to get their priorities straight and realize who's on who's side. There are more people that will suffer from a few one sided big handed deals legislation and laws then a thousand petty crimes. To me uprisings like this are a sign of a healthy society, one that still shows it has blood in its veins. I can't condone any of the human on human violence and I pray to truth and for the oceans that we collaborate, connect and change into a different way of living very soon.