Sunday, September 12, 2010

Peak Oil and Tar Sands. They have come to full light in my conscious and the shock and massive amount of thought one must give them is consuming. I have always thought resources were the real value in the equation, I was not clear on how much there was or what exactly was the most important, but I have recently been enlightened. Please realize the dire situation we are in. Stop believing the newscorps and start listening to your gut. Oil is a non-renewable resource that has helped fuel a growing world we all grew up in and were conditioned relative to that paradigm. We are going to be forced to change because we (the world) are demanding more of what we have less of everyday. So we might as well start NOW! People if you haven't heard or don't know about peak oil, the laws of thermodynamics or the tar sands I recommend you google these things. Or watch the documentary "Collapse" with Micheal Ruppert. Basically we are out of what makes our world grow so fast and keeps food in our bellies. Oil. No more. There is no higher culture we will see from oil. We have reached the crescendo of our civilization. We are entering into another dark age. I'm going surfing. Please go with your eyes open and forward. P.S. For family that want to start a farm please contact me via email. Love you all.

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